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basket size

basket size
 n.— «On average, a customer with a basket will buy two items more on any given visit than a customer left to fumble with two or three purchases, other shopping bags and a handbag or purse. This is no small matter as store managers attempt to maximise “basket size,” or “average transaction value” as it is known in the colourful language of financial analysts.» —“Basket, Madam? Dispatches from Christmas retail war” by Trevor Datson in London, England Reuters Dec. 15, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Electric Soup (episode #1635)

When an international team of scientists traveled to a research station in Antarctica for six months, the language they all shared was English. After six months together, their accents changed ever so slightly — a miniature version of how language...

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