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 n.— «Ayers testified that on the night of the rowhouse fire, firefighters at the scene complained of an excessive level of blocked calls—or “bonking,” as they call it, for the busy signal the radios make when a call cannot be completed.» —“Council hears of radio glitches at fire” by Jennifer Lin Philadelphia Inquirer (Pa.) Oct. 1, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Dout a Fire, but Don’t Doubt It

As we’ve previously discussed, firefighters don and dofftheir equipment, terms deriving from do on and do off. They are also said to dout a fire, meaning they “extinguish” it, dout being a similar shortening of do out. This is part...

Invisible Man or Ghost Runner?

Sue from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, wants help regarding a dispute with her husband about terms they use in a pickup sport like softball and you don’t have enough players to field a full-size team. If you get onto second base but then have to...