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 n.— «Obtener una acta de nacimiento en la Oficialía Civil de la Segunda Circunscripción del Distrito Nacional es una verdadera odisea para cualquiera, “a menos que usted se cantee con RD$350 y le pague a un buscón,” denunciaron ayer varias personas.» —“Denuncian anomalías obtener documentos” by German Marte Hoy (Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.) July 17, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Life of Riley (episode #1533)

Unwrap the name of a candy bar, and you just might find a story inside. For instance, one chewy treat found in many a checkout lane is named after a family’s beloved horse. And: 50 years ago in the United States, some Latino elementary...

Dictionary-Lovers, Fast Friends

German filmmaker Werner Herzog is known for such documentaries as Grizzly Man and Fitzcarraldo. He’s also fascinated with what he calls “the limits of language,” as evident in his 1976 documentary how fast auctioneers can talk, How...