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 n.— «Griffin was a big guy, even without the bulky body armor, helmet, and “dangle”—what soldiers call the bits of gear that they clip, strap, or otherwise buckle to their uniforms. He had half a dozen rifle magazines strapped across his chest, two radios, a medical pack, a flashlight, a digital camera, and a variety of other pouches and pockets swollen with kit.» —“E-Mails Reveal a Fallen Soldier’s Story” by Alex Kingsbury US News & World Report May 13, 20007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Hair on Your Tongue (episode #1517)

If you speak both German and Spanish, you may find yourself reaching for a German word instead of a Spanish one, and vice versa. This puzzling experience is so common among polyglots that linguists have a name for it. • The best writers create...

Care Package (episode #1511)

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