TagDouble-Tongued Dictionary


eco-coasting  n.— «Around 5.4 million motorists are putting lives in danger by freewheeling out of gear down hills to save fuel. Experts warn eco-coasting puts drivers at risk of losing control as gravity takes over.» —“Freewheel...

peter roll

peter roll  v. phr.— «Jurors heard from teens ages 14-17, who described their lives near areas where guns are readily available. Wednesday, a 16-year-old gang member told jurors that prior to Brown’s murder, Latham said he wanted to “peter...


gunnysacking  n.— «Gunnysacking is a term for storing up hurt feelings, anger, affronts and unresolved conflicts, and, when the weight of the psychological gunnysack becomes too heavy to bear, unloading it, often to an inappropriate degree...


eleven  n.— «Botox also is used for “losing your 11,” the term for vertical frown lines on the forehead, for crow’ feet at the outer corner of the eyes, for smoker’s lines and for horizontal lines on the forehead...


tugboat  n.— «The term for an attractive specimen of the female species is “skins.”…The only term worse (in terms of attractiveness) than “skins busters” is the frankly magnificent “tugboat...

scare word

scare word  n.— Note: A boo word. «The worries are real—including, among some economists, about the risks of a depression, which despite its scare-word status is just another term for an especially long or deep recession.» —“izing Up...