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ganbuler  n.— «In recent years, corrupt officials have gambled away billions in the casinos of Macau, and Beijing is trying to stop this as part of a broader crackdown on graft in China. Party officials gambling in Macau are known as...

selling loads

selling loads  n.— «Cab rides in New Orleans aren’t even cheap, thanks to factors ranging from the high cost of cab leases to the unsavory practice of hotel employees “selling loads” to cabbies. “Just to get an airport...

petit sucré

petit sucré  n.— «Customs agents staff the borders, but few travelers have not been asked for a bribe—”un petit sucré,” which is literally, in the Congolese parlance, “a little soft drink.”» —“Graft...

air supply

air supply  n.— «Although petty corruption is rampant in the civil service, Ruzindana has focused on the big fish—senior officials motivated less by need than greed. His target is the booming and notorious Ugandan enterprise known here as...