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macaroon technique

macaroon technique  n.— «He used PowerPoint to impart what he calls the “macaroon technique,” referring to the sandwich-like French macaron pastry. This can be applied to most any product (including, presumably, a Xerox machine) and goes...

value pay

value pay  n.— «“This is the heiress bag, this is all about beautiful metallics,” a ShopNBC hostess purred on Friday as the camera closed in on the Lisanne heiress handbag, and a price box popped up ($138 or three “value pays” of $46)...

glam raider

glam raider  n.— «Designer handbags have been stolen to order in a recent series of smash-and-grab store raids in the capital.…Scotland Yard has set up a special detective squad to target the gangs, but it appears the “glam...

on memo

on memo  adv. phr.— «“I can’t afford to ship on memo. Now, can I sell you anything?”…Unfortunately this buyer probably got his consignment merchandise next door. For there is a good deal of business done on memo in the handbag...

basket size

basket size  n.— «On average, a customer with a basket will buy two items more on any given visit than a customer left to fumble with two or three purchases, other shopping bags and a handbag or purse. This is no small matter as store...