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misery memoir

misery memoir  n.— «Last monday, the mother of Constance Briscoe lost the libel action she had brought against her daughter for the publication of Ugly, Briscoe’s memoir of her upbringing of neglect and abuse. The case was both astonishing...

libel chill

libel chill  n.— «The Liberal party announced later there would be no apology. “This is what is known as ‘libel chill”—using the threat of a libel suit to remove an issue from where it should be rightfully debated: before the...


twazzock  n.— «Speaker Martin (the libel lawyers’ friend) allowed him leeway but if Mr Prescott is not more succinct next time he may find himself being called to order. Or, as they say in the Prescott household, “shaddup yer...

libel tourism

libel tourism  n.— «British law requires the loser in a court case to pay the winner’s court costs. This is the real attraction for shady millionaires: the chance to bankrupt their opponents into silence. Because of this, Britain has...

shit sheet

shit sheet  n.— «Spence described the pamphlet as a “shit sheet,” but said he was not hurt by the comments it made about him.» —“Anger Over Anonymous Pamphlet’s ‘Libel’ Of Councillors” by Craig...