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FOMO  n.— «A lot of giving can be attributed to what my sister refers to as F.O.M.O—the fear of missing out. For a max contribution along with a handsome check to the party committee, a mucky-muck can buy stock early in a candidate...

max up

max up  v. phr.— «He said he was “maxed up” on all his credit cards. There was no shame in his voice. In fact there was a certain pride. He seemed to think it was pretty cool to be in debt; “live life to the max”...

twist one’s cap

twist one’s cap  v. phr.— «If you however say sorry now i promise i won’t twist your cap in the maze when i see you, just max you and let you live to at least to put up a decent score.» —“Re: Advancement in south” by State...


wobbler  n.— «Second point on the jurisdiction of the court—certain offenses are what California lawyers call “wobblers”—they can be charged as either felonies OR misdemeanors [which is max of one year in California parlance]...