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shore power

shore power  n.— «Shore powe[r]: A regular, wall-mounted electrical outlet. The ESPN crew hires a generator for primary power.» —“Capturing the game” by Abe Aamidor Indianapolis Star (Ind.) May 29, 2004...

snoop cam

snoop cam  n.— «Snoop cam: Small camera on the announcers’ courtside table that’s always on; let’s the director see if the announcers are ready.» —“Capturing the game” by Abe Aamidor Indianapolis Star (Ind...


 n.— « Bumps: Camera shots reflecting anticipation of the game; broadcast before tip-off.» —“Capturing the game” by Abe Aamidor Indianapolis Star (Ind.) May 29, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

beauty shot

beauty shot  n.— «Once the game started, it was all about business, seamlessly blending live shots and instant replays, graphics and “beauty shots,” which is jargon for views of the stadium or home city during a game...


Z-buffer  n.— «Catmull invented texture mapping (the way to make digital surfaces “pour” over objects), the Z-buffer (an algorithm that tracks the virtual distance between pixels and a viewer, now standard in most personal...


scratch  adj.— «With the story reel complete, next comes the soundtrack. Disney animators use “scratch” voices rather than professional actors for preliminary dialog.» —“Welcome to Planet Pixar” by Austin...