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white tablecloth restaurant

white tablecloth restaurant  n.— Note: An upscale or expensive restaurant, as opposed to a casual or fast-food restaurant. «I’m able to do coupons and help people who are on tight budgets who still want to go out to eat. It’s the Ruth...

death-care industry

death-care industry  n.— «In recent years, laws requiring funeral homes and cemeteries to disclose costs and provide price lists have removed much of the mystery from what some in the business refer to as the “death-care industry...


fourthmeal  n.— «Taco Bell has in recent years promoted its late-night hours and coined the term “Fourthmeal” to denote a late-evening meal.» —“On the Menu: Fast-food outlets open later” by Keith...

pea shake house

pea shake house  n.— «In the days before the Muncie game, long lines of cars formed at the Cities Service gas station at Sixteenth Street and Senate Avenue, the hub of basketball betting. Paychecks were wagered in the Chrysler and Allison...