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pavaso  n.— «A pivaso is a ballot split between the pro-commonwealth party—whose emblem is Puerto Rico’s traditional flouncy peasant hat, the pava—and the tiny PIP party, which advocates complete independence for the island. Traditionally...


PMD  n.— «America’s greatest intelligence failure in Iraq was not the WMD we thought were there, but weren’t. It was the PMD we thought weren’t there, but were. PMD in my lexicon, stands for “people of mass destruction...

red seat

red seat  n.— «Charlie Melancon’s victory in the bayou region of Louisiana’s 3rd Congressional District proved that Democrats could win seats held by Republicans, or as he called them, “red seats.”» —“Democrats put best...


triangulation  n.— «Labour are expert at using the presentational device called “triangulation.” For those unfamiliar with the argot of the Westminster village, this involves pinching key planks of a rival party’s platform to...

chestnut revolution

chestnut revolution  n.— «Chairman of the Russian State Duma international affairs committee Mikhail Margelov has expressed doubt that Ukraine would see a “chestnut revolution’ in case opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko loses the...


sampated  v.— «The fact is that Powell was up against it early when he took the job at State. Vice President Dick Cheney’s staff second-guessed every element of foreign policy. In good Trini parlance, he was “sampated” from the...