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schmiddy n. a beer glass with a capacity smaller than a pint and larger than a half-pint. Etymological Note: schooner ‘a tall beer glass’ + middy ‘a half-pint beer glass.’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


schmiddy  n.— «The schmiddy must be opposed.…Do NOT patronise the Quisling establishments that offer schmiddies.» —“Fighting Back!” Ban the Schmiddy (Australia) June 6, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued...


schmiddy  n.— «The schooner glass, favoured by many hotel beer drinkers, is under threat from a slimmer, American version called the Libby Gibraltar, or the “schmiddy.”…The glass size is between the traditional 285ml...


schmiddy  n.— «I have recently noticed in a number of inner-city watering holes that the traditional “Sydney schooner” (425ml) is being replaced by what some hotels insist on calling a “schmiddy” (340ml), at...