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Cascade concrete

Cascade concrete  n.— «The snow here is often referred to as “Cascade concrete,” “cement” or “crud.”» —“Some snow perfect, but not in Western Washington” by Bill Sheets in Everett...


mockolate  n.— «Andy McShea is a Harvard-trained molecular biologist using his scientific talent in Seattle to promote “true chocolate” and steer consumers away from inadvertently ingesting all that other brown sweet stuff he...


keister  v.— «The inmates know officials are looking for the phones and are going to great lengths to hide them, he said. It’s tough, officials admit, because some of the phones are small enough to be, in prison parlance, “keistered...

A Year of Words

Hockey mom? Staycation? Recessionista? What’s your choice for Word of the Year 2008? Also, what expression do you use to describe when it’s raining but the sun is still shining?


bridge-up  n.— «The “reverse pushups” are called “bridge-ups” if you’re facing upwards and your arms are “above” your head.» —“Day six” by Andy Rutledge Sleepless in the Seattle...