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shoefiti n. pairs of shoes, with laces tied, thrown over power lines, trees, and elsewhere. Editorial Note: There’s a shoefiti photo pool at Flickr. Etymological Note: This term appears to have been coined by Ed Kohler. (source: Double-Tongued...


shoefiti  n.— « Shoefiti…Beginning last fall, I started sending “Street Light Outage” reports to Xcel whenever I spotted a pair of shoes on lines in our fair city. » —“Shoefiti” by Ed Kohler in...


shoefiti  n.— «Welcome to Shoefiti.com. This site will attempt to be the #1 resource on the web for dealing with shoes hanging from powerlines.» —“Welcome to Shoefiti.com” by Ed Kohler Shoefiti Sept. 13, 2005...


shoefiti  n.— «Shoes hanging from utility lines are an international phenomenon, and the possible causes are the subject of seemingly endless speculation. There’s even a newly coined word for it: “shoefiti,” a combination of shoes and...