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Zipcar capitalism

Zipcar capitalism  n.— «While owning a home may be the American Dream, renting, at least for the moment, seems to be the new American theme. […] Some refer to it as “Zipcar Capitalism” in reference to the company that...


funemployment  n.— «What most people would call unemployment, Van Gorkom embraced as “funemployment.” While millions of Americans struggle to find work as they face foreclosures and bankruptcy, others have found a silver lining...

scare word

scare word  n.— Note: A boo word. «The worries are real—including, among some economists, about the risks of a depression, which despite its scare-word status is just another term for an especially long or deep recession.» —“izing Up...

three-D job

three-D job  n.— «Influenced by the economic slowdown and increasing unemployment, even the so-called three-D (dirty, difficult and dangerous) jobs have become hard to get, for the first time in ten years. Three-D job applicants surpassed...


blow-in  n.— «Kerry swept the district’s upscale suburbs, but not the mill towns, where unemployment was rising as jobs fled. There, locals tagged Kerry with their own slang for carpetbagger: “blow-in.”» —“Discipline and...

food insecurity

food insecurity  n.— «Driving the “food insecurity” numbers—a term coined by the federal government to measure hunger—is Michigan’s stubborn unemployment rate, the anti-hunger research and policy group said.» —“Economy...