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bag skate

bag skate
 n.— «A legendary sign of trouble when players arrive for practice is that there are no pucks out. That means it’s a “bag skate,” a vigorous, sprint-heavy, all-skating workout that is often punishment. The exact origin of “bag skate” could not be found. Rarely do teams have “bag skates,” or “get bagged,” at this time of year because of the crush of the schedule. Some coaches have “deceptive bag skates.” They’re no less punitive but they include pucks and are filled with high-speed, aerobic drills. They can be effective while making a point. “The biggest thing it does is command attention,” said Blues assistant Mike Kitchen, the “bag skate” drill sergeant. “A lot of it is about discipline. It makes you mentally tough.”» —“Fact Check: “Bag Skate”; Hockey 101 For The Fan” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri) Mar. 2, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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