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 adj.— «I just checked out that Friendster website that Oz makes reference to, and I thoroughly don’t understand it. To be able to actually see other’s profiles, you have to invite people who in turn invite other people. Then to actually see anyone else other than yourself, people you invite have to acutally join the site themselves. Sorry Oz….that’s bootleg.» —“Major Bitch” by Jonathan Wonder Jonathan June 17, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

A Smoko, Drongo?

Smoko is slang for “a cigarette break.” It’s used in Australia and also at a British research station in Antarctica. This is part of a complete episode.


Loaded for Bear (episode #1531)

One way to make your new business look trendy is to use two nouns separated by an ampersand, like Peach & Creature or Rainstorm & Egg or … just about any other two-word combination. A tongue-in-cheek website will generate names like...

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