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 n.— «A 32-year-old woman told police last week that a cunning creeper made his way into her 5th Avenue apartment, taking only her $400 blue hybrid road bike.» —“Bike burgle” Park Slope Courier (Brooklyn, New York) May 18, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Strutting Down the Stravenue

Stravenue is a portmanteau of street and avenue, and is used in Tucson, Arizona, to refer to a diagonal road between east-west streets and north-south avenues. Similarly, a stroad is a combination of street and road. This is part of a complete...

Niblings and Nieflings (episode #1525)

How do actors bring Shakespeare’s lines to life so that modern audiences immediately understand the text? One way is to emphasize the names of people and places at certain points. That technique is called billboarding. And: Anyone for an...

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