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 n.— «A “Euroregion” should not be confused with a “European region.” A Euroregion (sometimes also called “Euregion” or even “Europaregion”) is a structure for cooperation between at least two different European countries, mainly but not exclusively EU member states—but in any case international. A European region is the official description of the governmental level immediately below that of national sovereignty and therefore necessarily intranational—e.g. the Bundesländer that make up the Federal Republic of Germany.» —“86—A Map of Germany’s Euroregions” Strange Maps Mar. 6, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Mrs. Astor’s Horse (episode #1530)

“What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn’t a cat?” Answer: a kitten! A 1948 children’s joke book has lots of these to share with kids. Plus: an easy explanation for the difference between...

Care Package (episode #1511)

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