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 n.— «I’m a middle-aged white guy, and I have nothing against middle-aged white guys. Some of my best friends and basketball buddies are MAWGs.» —“His Campaign Was Seasoned” by Michael Kelly Omaha World Herald (Nebraska) Dec. 15, 1994. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Very Non-Mexican Tamales

Joan in Valley, Nebraska, says her family of Russian immigrants make cabbage rolls they call hot tamales, which are filled with hamburger, bacon, and rice and baked in tomato juice. This recipe doesn’t come from Latin America, so why are they...

Ding-Ding Man (episode #1509)

In 1803, a shy British pharmacist wrote a pamphlet that made him a reluctant celebrity. The reason? He proposed a revolutionary new system for classifying clouds — with Latin names we still use today, like cumulus, cirrus, and stratus. Also: when...