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 n.— «Spelling and grammar, or Spag if we’re being teacherly, are high on the list of things people complain about to the Readers’ Editor.» —“‘Spag’ can happen to anyone” by Siobhain Butterworth Toronto Star (Canada) Sept. 27, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Off the Turnip Truck (episode #1532)

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when people disagreed over the best word to use when answering the phone. Alexander Graham Bell suggested answering with ahoy! but Thomas Edison was partial to hello! A fascinating new book about...

Chat, the Collective Noun for Livestreaming Viewers

Mav in Madison, Wisconsin, has heard content creators on platforms like YouTube and Twitch address their viewers collectively with the word chat, as in Chat, is this real? and Do you see this, chat? She’s heard some people describe chat used...