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poop-butt  n.— «It’s hard for you to know whether you can cut it anyplace. Not just here, anywhere. Don’t believe that about “if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.” That’s bull ——. If you can make it period, that’s...


three-jack  n.— «The typical third-round Bellerive three-jack was six feet past and one foot short.» —“For surprising Sauers, sweet stroke with putter means par-saving grace” by John Markon Richmond Times...


mover  n.— «Growing up in the theater and seeing what real dancers, pro dancers, do—in the business, if you say you’re a dancer, you’d better be a dancer. On Broadway, I’m what’s known as a mover—and I’m a good mover. But someday I’d like...


sherb  n.— «“You wanna put your sherbs on?” Farrar asked, using the slang for the inmates’ orange-colored canvas shoes and the slang phrase for walking up to the park to fight.» —“Hard Time: Inside Richmond’s Jail” by...

get bagged

get bagged  v. phr.— «Rarely do teams have “bag skates,” or “get bagged,” at this time of year because of the crush of the schedule.» —“Fact Check: “Bag Skate”; Hockey 101 For The Fan” St...

hit and run kit

hit and run kit  n.— «Within the survival pack is a “hit and run” kit that includes only the bare necessities such as a signaling device, food and medical needs—enough supplies to last a couple of days.» —“Pilots’ training...