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dental casualty

dental casualty  n.— «“In Desert Storm there were 35,000 dental casualties,” military parlance for soldiers who could not perform their duties because of problems with their teeth.» —“N.J. units prepare for active duty in...

fong kong

fong kong  n.—Gloss: in South Africa and Zimbabwe, a product from Asia, usually believed to be shoddy and cheap. Note: The expression seems to be used both as a count and noncount noun. A similar term is zhing zhong. «Several traders said...


POCO  n.— «Less than four months ago Ellyn McColgan emerged as the new new thing at Fidelity, moving up when Robert Reynolds became the latest in a long line of number twos to go POCO—that is, decide to pursue other career opportunities...

duty watch bar

duty watch bar  n.— «For members of the British Royal Navy on the two warships at the pier, it became something more than just a bar last week. “It’s the ’duty watch bar,’ ” Mark Smith, 41, a petty officer sitting in...

fight-through drill

fight-through drill  n.— «“The Marines need to know what it feels like when Oleoresin Capsicum is sprayed on them before they actually go out and deploy it on someone else,” said Sgt. Owen Wood, the lead instructor for the course...

peashake house

peashake house  n.— «President of the Indianapolis City-county Council, Monroe Gray. He likes to hangout in illegal gambling joints—such as the peashake house on the corner of 38th Capitol (disguised as a car wash)—while on duty as an...