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Anachronism and Anatopisms

It’s always fun to catch moviemakers’ blunders. Say you’re watching an epic about ancient Rome and spot a toga-clad extra who forgot to remove his wristwatch. That’s an anachronism. But what do you call something that’s...


bigature  n.— «There are going to be a mess of miniatures. We coined that phrase “bigatures” on Lord of the Rings and this is going to outdo them all. The miniature we’re doing for Miraz’s castle is 24 scale, village, and...


balloon-frame  n.— «These dwellings are called balloon frames because of the light feel and voluminous space created by the vertical studs that run from the ground to the roof line. A balloon-frame house is one in which the exterior timber...

tropical shell

tropical shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

arctic shell

arctic shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

cold shell

cold shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...