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print Islam

print Islam  n.— «Add that to the proliferation of what’s called print Islam, that is to say the media, whether it’s broadcast or printed et cetera, whereby more and more Muslims are aware of what’s going on in other parts of the Muslim...


Belindia  n.— «Brazilians have often called their country “Belindia,” a place both wealthy like Belgium and poor like India.» —“Church has faith it can unite S. Florida’s Brazilians” by Casey Woods Miami...

gravy plane

gravy plane  n.— «As Fife and Warren pour out details and examples-the GST exemptions, the “gravy plane” junkets, “double-dipping” through piling patronage jobs on top of generous pensions-you really do lose your...

pamper pole

pamper pole  n.— «The grand finale of the 60-acre course east of Denton is the “pamper pole” or “leap of faith”—the trapeze jump.» —“1, 2, 3…JUMP; Adventure Program Designed To Help People Gain...

chief memory officer

chief memory officer  n.— «The company could take a big leap of faith based on Schaeffer’s gut instinct that women really were hungry for a digital camera that put them back in the position of “chief memory officer,” as he had...

go dumb

go dumb  v. phr.— «His hit single “Tell Me When to Go” (featuring Keak Da Sneak) resonates with the freestyle dance culture, in which dancers try to go “dumb.” Going “dumb” is a term used to describe off...