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fi-fi  n.— «Paul E. Erdman, a writer of best-selling novels of financial intrigue who began his literary career in a Swiss jail, where he was being held in connection with the collapse of the Swiss bank he ran, died Monday of cancer, his...

extended suicide

extended suicide  n.— «Suicide is usually a solitary act. But in rare cases, people who are depressed and planning to take their own lives—as appears to have been the case with Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui—commit what some...

maternal profiling

maternal profiling  n.— «The more I thought about the film, the more worked up I got. How, in this day and age, could the people of Pennsylvania tolerate “maternal profiling?”…“I asked other single moms, “How do you...

pea-shake house

pea-shake house  n.— «There were many times that his father went to the local pea shake house and turned 25 cents into 25 dollars to support a family of nine. This is how he grew up and still today people are using ticket houses to make...

shut up and color

shut up and color  v. phr.— «Despite the fact that Julia qualified as an “exceptional family member,” the Air Force isn’t budging on her father’s retirement request, which he submitted last month. They want him to report to the...


boskin  n.— «Born in the Carmarthenshire village of Bancyfelin, he spoke only Welsh when the family moved to Carmarthen in 1947, where the monoglot English speakers of the town referred disparagingly to country dwellers as...