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hyzer  n.— «Hyzer: When using a backhand throw, the disc’s flight arc, which causes it to fall in the direction opposite of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player a backhand hyzer shot fades to the left, a sidearm shot fades right...


anhyzer  n.— «Anhyzer: A disc’s flight arc, which falls in the same direction of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player a backhand anhyzer shot fades to the right, while a sidearm anhyzer fades to the left.» —“Spin: Learn the...


IDP  n.— «Many scrape by in Jabal Ulia, Jabaronna or Wad Al-Bashir—government-run camps for internally displaced persons—IDPs, in refugee argot—on the outskirts of Khartoum.» —“The Art of Flight” by Davin A...