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heatiness n. a characteristic of certain foods or stimulants said to cause emotional or physical reactions associated with temper, fever, passion, excess, or true heat. Editorial Note: From Chinese culture and medicine. (source: Double-Tongued...


heatiness  n.— «The heart of the matter is the intricate philosophy of “heatiness and cooliness”—a traditional Chinese belief in the balance between hot and cold air within the body. “To understand the market, you must...


kirsch-geist  n.— «The great fruit brandies such as kirsch are fiery spirits of the fruit.…A lesser kind is made without the pits; the cherries are merely soaked with alcohol for some time. The Germans call this one kirsch-geist or...


cherry-ghost  n.— «The great fruit brandies such as kirsch are fiery spirits of the fruit.…A lesser kind is made without the pits; the cherries are merely soaked with alcohol for some time. The Germans call this one kirsch-geist or...


alcopop n. an alcoholic soft drink. Etymological Note: alcohol(ic) + (soda) pop (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


alco-pop  n.— «Matthew Clark blamed the growth of alco-pop brands such as Hooper’s Hooch for its falling cider sales.» —“Taunton Chief Out In Board Reshuffle” Marketing Week (U.K.) Nov. 1, 1996. (source: Double...

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