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Up To Possible

In an earlier episode, the hosts heard from a woman who, as a teenager, was scolded by her grandmother for wearing a skirt that Granny said was almost up to possible. The woman wondered about that phrase’s meaning and origin. Grant shares...

That Skirt is Almost up to Possible

The story goes that hemlines rise and fall with the stock market. If that’s the case, then we hope it’s not long before we’re all hearing people exclaim, “Why, that skirt is almost up to possible!” An Iowa listener...

granny shift

granny shift  n.— «Some men were interned during the Troubles and no one knew when they were getting out, so often women were left to rear the children. So, it was vital that the women went out to work. Some women worked what was known as...

granny farming

granny farming  n.—Gloss: a form of voting fraud in which pre-marked absentee ballots are taken to nursing homes to be used and mailed by residents. «“Granny farming” is a term for visiting retirement homes with pre-marked absentee ballots...


shootie  n.— «Also called “shooties,” the shoe-boot trend first became popular more than 20 years ago in a variety of incarnations including lace-covered granny booties popular in the late 1980s and booties with a country and...

granny snatching

granny snatching  n.— «As Americans live longer and become more mobile, guardianship struggles that entangle old folks in multiple state jurisdictions are becoming more common. There’s even a term coined to describe unseemly tussles:...