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chicken ark

chicken ark  n.— «Getting set up with chickens can be very cheap: the birds themselves cost from 25p to £20 each and the housing can be home-made, although a wooden chicken “ark” will cost around £200.» —“How to be a 21st...

tiger city

tiger city  n.— «UWO Chancellor Richard Wells is well aware of Wisconsin’s up-and-coming cities. They are often referred to as “tiger cities”—mid-sized metros with suburban, if not rural, fringes. They have developable land...


NORC  n.— «Another important development in the CB10 area is the aging of the population of Co-op City, which Kearns says is New York State’s largest housing cooperative. According to Kearns, that population is forming what’s known as a...


stair-casing  n.— «The benefits of shared ownership schemes are…You can increase your share as time goes by, a process known as stair-casing.» —“How to get on the housing ladder” by Helen Adams BBC News May...

paper bullet

paper bullet  n.— «This reservation and others in the state are the final destinations for the tribe’s money. They govern themselves and pay for health services, education, housing and public safety with a combination of tribal money and...

welfare wall

welfare wall  n.— «Flaherty’s target is a situation often called “the welfare wall.” As a result of increased taxes and reduced income support from government programs, a typical single parent with one child who takes a low...