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infartillery  n.— «To combat the mortar-firing insurgents, Vuono’s soldiers have become what some soldiers call “infartillery”—artillery experts who can also use infantry skills to root out the enemy in urban warfare...

rark up

rark up  v. phr.— «Didn’t you think, right at the beginning, when Bush was still working hard rarking up potential allies, “this doesn’t add up, this has the smell of hypocrisy and self-interest”?» —“Re: Who still believes...

horse blanket

horse blanket  n.— «At JRTC most light infantry task forces conduct platoon- and squad-sized search and attack in specified areas dividing the battalion sector. They often resemble an artillery “horse-blanket” graphic used to...

thunder run

thunder run  n.— «They were called Thunder Runs, high-speed gauntlet races by the mechanized infantry units of the army’s 1st Infantry Division along Highway 13, northwest of Saigon. The tactic was used to throw off the Viet Cong and North...

thunder run

thunder run  n.— «At night the outposts scattered along the route, consisting of a few vehicles and an infantry squad, were vulnerable to attack, so continuous patrols known as “thunder runs” were maintained. A run involved...

thunder run

thunder run  n.— «“Looks to me like a ‘Thunder Run,’” I said, recalling reconnaissance-in-force operations of that name I’d seen near the Y Bridge in Vietnam in 1968.…A “Thunder Run” was a unit of armor and...