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alba  n.— «Alba A part-time job (from the Korean word for it, “arbeit,” which itself was borrowed from the German language). Example: It’s time to go to my alba, see you later.» —“The words of a new...


dooce  v.— «With dozens of blogs springing up in Britain every day, many work related, doocing is a risk for online diarists. The word was coined after a Los Angeles web designer, Heather Armstrong, lost her job in 2002 after telling...

make (one’s) bones

make (one’s) bones  v.— «Chertoff—described as being “as cold-blooded as they come”— has a personal agenda that includes becoming U.S. Attorney General and, eventually, grabbing a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. But there’s a...

bonus family

bonus family  n.— «The two coined a phrase to replace “stepfamilies,” a word they say often has a negative connotation. They decided on “bonus families,” because a bonus is a reward for a job well done. And, they...


sontag  n.— «How describe Susan Sontag? She was essayist, novelist, critic, director, celebrity, feuilletonist in the best/worst European fashion…No one description applies, and no one job category would sum her up; she was kind of...

China price

China price  n.— «“China price” has become the newest buzzword among economists, as they try to fathom China’s awesome ability to force down the value of work in any job that is at all transferable, and thus induce the massive global...