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lead snowstorm

lead snowstorm  n.— «The bullet that tore into the back of Federal Judge John H. Wood Jr. severed his spinal cord, then exploded into “a thousand fragments” hitting most of the major organs in his body, a medical examiner...

lead snowstorm

lead snowstorm  n.— «The Remington .357 Magnum 125-grain S-JHP produces a lead snowstorm inside the body. This load typically launches six to seven 5-grain missiles that spin off at a 45-degree angle from the main bullet path after about 3...

lead snowstorm

lead snowstorm  n.— «The 4-inch by 5-inch film can be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed inside an animal that has been gutted. In the case of a questionable archery kill, troopers can put the film inside a gutted animal and shoot a...

lead snowstorm

lead snowstorm  n.— «While conducting the internal autopsy, Comfort testified she found fragments of the rifle bullet throughout the body, which forensic pathologists commonly refer to as a “lead snowstorm.”» —“Forensic pathologist...


multigenium  n.— «World-changing technologies don’t leap into being overnight. He’s even coined a new word—”multigenium”—for the cumulative, multigenerational exertions that lead to something as complex as the airplane or the...