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full Thornton

full Thornton  n.— «Faceoff horse/spiritual leader Rod Brind’Amour, who contributed 18 points to the Canes’ Cup run in ‘06, went 0-0 -0 in the seven games against the Devils. Equally alarming, Cole matched Brind’Amour zero for zero (often...

fall back

fall back  v. phr.— «“He was in fact a member of the Bloods street gang,” said Taylor. “This is no longer true.” Taylor said there was a tape-recorded conversation between Taylor and a confidential informant in which...


wendy  v.— «Misogyny, anti-intellectualism, vindictive political opponents, an out-of-control press—the resignation of Wendy Alexander as leader of the Labour party at Holyrood offers something to everyone with a thesis about the loss of...

interruption science

interruption science  n.— «The average knowledge worker switches tasks every three minutes, and, once distracted, a worker takes nearly a half-hour to resume the original task, according to Gloria Mark, a leader in the new field of...

free vote

free vote  n.— «Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor, leader of the Roman Church in England and Wales, went public to insist that Labour MP’s should be granted what is known as a “free vote,” the process by which party members are allowed to...


Redmonton  n.— «Because if the election is going to be decided in Battleground Calgary, why the heck did the Liberal leader spend three days door-knocking with candidates in and around Edmonton (better known as Redmonton)?» —“Taft...