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Frankenbite  n.— «Writers also splice together comments to create story lines and manufacture drama. In industry parlance, it’s an editing process known as “Frankenbite.”» —“Reality Show Writers Seek...

stink eye

stink eye  n.— «You know when you’re out of favor if she doesn’t give you a peck on the cheek after work.…If she doesn’t like you, she gives you the stink eye.» —“‘Auntie Louise’: Liveliest Living Legend in...


birria  n.— «In East Los Angeles, birrierias del chivo, which serve goat, have become as established as hamburger stands in other neighborhoods. A birria is technically a stew or slow roast made of goat, but here tortillas are stuffed with...


birrieria  n.— «In East Los Angeles, birrierias del chivo, which serve goat, have become as established as hamburger stands in other neighborhoods. A birria is technically a stew or slow roast made of goat, but here tortillas are stuffed...


wikitorial  n.— «Watch next week for the introduction of “wikitorials”—an online feature that will empower you to rewrite Los Angeles Times editorials.» —“To Our Readers” by Andrés Martinez Los Angeles...

hot wash

hot wash  n.— «The day the fighting ended, senior Army aides presented to Army Chief of Staff Carl E. Vuono their first observations on the operation. Such an initial review of a just-concluded operation is called a “hot wash...

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