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blow up

blow up  v. phr.— «He served on staffs that “blew up,” coaching parlance for a mass firing at the end of a losing season.» —“Coaches earn big assist: Major football programs boost salaries” by Tim...

giant voice

giant voice  n.— «Giant Voice System. This system is also known as Big Voice. The Giant Voice system is typically installed as a base-wide system to provide a siren signal and pre-recorded and live voice messages. It is most useful for...

big voice

big voice  n.— «Giant Voice System. This system is also known as Big Voice. The Giant Voice system is typically installed as a base-wide system to provide a siren signal and pre-recorded and live voice messages. It is most useful for...


pyromarketing  n.— «Greg Stielstra, Senior Marketing Director of Zondervan, who publishes the book The Purpose Driven Life, has coined a term for reaching down to target specific groups instead of mass marketing. It’s...


economisting  n.— «Economisting: (e kon’ o mist’ ing) 1. The act or process of converting limited evidence into grand claims by means of rhetorical ploys, especially punning. 2. The belief or practice that empirical evidence can only...


futsal  n.— «Short for futbol sala—loosely translated as indoor soccer—futsal is played in soccer-crazed countries all over the world. It is hailed as a teaching tool that develops players’ technical and tactical abilities by forcing them...