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memory color

memory color  n.— «Those findings are part of a hierarchy of color sensitivity that starts with the flesh tones and, particularly, faces. After that are the apples, blue sky, green grass and more—commonly called memory colors—that people...

chief memory officer

chief memory officer  n.— «The company could take a big leap of faith based on Schaeffer’s gut instinct that women really were hungry for a digital camera that put them back in the position of “chief memory officer,” as he had...

chief memory officer

chief memory officer  n.— «Appoint a Chief Memory Officer. Only by remembering the past as we tinker and kludge can we avoid making the same old mistakes—and take advantage of valuable opportunities.» —“Change Without...

chief memory officer

chief memory officer  n.— «Change is great but only if you learn from the past. Your chief memory officer remembers the past so that you avoid repeating mistakes while tinkering and kludging.» —by Simone P. Joyaux Strategic Fund...

chief memory officer

chief memory officer  n.— «Some company hire historians to write their histories, whereas others remember the simple truth that their long-tenured employees are their best historians. These “chief memory officers” are...