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hair spoil

hair spoil  n.— «A botched haircut he received at age 15 led him into the field of barbering. “I got a ‘hair spoil’—as they call it—and I went home and corrected the trim with a razor I had at home.”» —“Men’s...


ground-pounder  n.— «I went to the school of infantry, also known as S.O.I. They say that S.O.I. graduates (grunts or ground-pounders) have one of the youngest mortality rates of any school in history because thousands of alumni have gone...

roofing square

roofing square  n.— «“I’m at the point where I need to stay in shape to maintain a certain output, workwise,” said Mr. Entrekin, 51. “When I was in my prime, I could nail 14 squares a day. Now I’m happy with 6.” (One roofing...

link man

link man  n.— «The captains and deckhands don’t outrightly charge any specific amount for concealing anyone aboard their ships. The go-betweens, or as they are known in the street lingo there, “Link Men” demand from N300,000 to N150,000...


cheese  v.— «When asked how he keeps winning he responded, “it’s because I cheese.” Cheesing, as it is called in the tennis world, is a swing that requires little effort and is annoying to your opponent. “I just keep the ball going,”...


hootch  n.— «They bunk in thin-skinned metal “hootches,” similar to the containers that transport merchandise on ships.» —“The Doctors of War” by Bob Drury Men’s Health Jan. 30, 2006. (source: Double...