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extinction  n.— «But the thing is, as Natasha points out, the language of the slot machine industry belies its ultimate aims. There’s a term bandied about at the trade shows: “extinction.” We need to design for extinction, we...

page 75

page 75  n.— «In a typical Hollywood screenplay, there comes a moment just before the third act when the protagonist is faced with certain defeat. It is the part of the film in which the bad guys gain crucial ground after a series of...


retrovore  n.— «The best moment at this market was when I found out I’m a retrovore. That’s a new word, invented today. One of the farmers we were chatting with said his kid said to him “Dad, if you didn’t raise animals the way you...

Internet hobo

Internet hobo  n.— «I had put off getting my own Internet connection. Having recently moved into a new apartment, I had been “borrowing” a connection unbeknownst to one of my neighbours in the meantime.…It was at that...


Sundowner’s  n.— «In March, my dad will be 86 years old. He has Alzheimer’s disease. My brothers, sister and I noticed changes in his personality about nine years ago. We are thankful he doesn’t get violent, although the evenings bring on...


gorgeois  adj.— «The message came from a friend on the West Coast: “What’s up, gorgeois?” Confused, we called our friend back, only to learn the word is enjoying a moment in the stylist lexicon. It has even eclipsed genius...