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A Real Blinger

A woman who grew up in Detroit remembers her mother saying, “This one’s going to be a real blinger!” whenever a big storm was coming. What exactly is a blinger? This is part of a complete episode.

folk scare

folk scare  n.— «It’s not about all Joan, all the time. She is known for her voice—amazing—and was fortunate enough to first find success in the “folk scare,” as they call it, of the ’60s and early ’70s. But also it...


pureplay  n.— «The songwriters, recording companies and performers who own the rights to these recordings feel they should be compensated since many Internet radio stations make money simply by playing music without live hosts, news...

A Single Troop

Many people are irritated by using the word troops to refer to a small number of soldiers, as in “Two troops were wounded.” Is it ever correct to use the word troop to mean an individual person? The hosts explain that in the military...