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tair lever

tair lever  n.— «You must have gone to a way side tea stall to have a cup of tea when you may be in a hurry. There you will find few varieties of snacks like a cake, a puff or a Kashmiri bread. But the one item which you can’t forget is...


GUBU  adj.— «It has been an annus horribilis for the Prime Minister. The combination of an unpopular war in Iraq, which split his cabinet and his party, and the GUBU nature of the David Kelly affair, not to mention the Hutton Inquiry...


Ecozoic n. an (imaginary) era in the future when humans live in harmony with nature and the Earth. Also adj. Etymological Note: This term was popularized and probably coined by Thomas Berry. From Greek oikos ‘house’ + zoikos ‘of animals.’ (source:...


Ecozoic  n.— «In [Rev. Thomas] Berry’s view, the planet is moving out of the 65-million-year Cenozoic era, during which the major developments of life occurred, into a new uncertain age he calls the Ecozoic. “The major developments...

circuit bending

circuit bending  n.— «Circuit-bending reinforces the unique characteristics of physical instrumentation, without which discourse among electronic musicians might end up becoming little more than the sharing of home-coded subroutines (or...

bouma shape

bouma shape  n.— «In visual terms, a word is distinguished by its characters’ relation to the white space surrounding it and the nature of its letter face (for instance, small thin strokes are common to handwriting, and thick short strokes...