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Fedders house

Fedders house n. a cheaply made apartment building, specifically those featuring highly visible window air conditioner sleeves bearing the brand name “Fedders.” Editorial Note: This term is specific to New York City and is usually...


 n.— «(title)» —“Step Aside, L.A. and Bombay, for Nollywood” by Norimitsu Onishi in Lagos, Nigeria New York Times Sept. 16, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


hooked  adj.— «A small fraction of the convicts who leave Illinois’ prisons each year are “hooked,” as it goes in prison parlance. That is, they are hooked up to a home-monitoring device—those bands of rubber equipped with a...

aw shucks defense

aw shucks defense  n.— «The legal strategy is now called in legal circles the “Aw Shucks Defence,” a term coined by the prosecutor, Assistant US Attorney William F Johnson, as he concluded the argument against Mr Ebbers in...


sale-manageback  n.— «Sunrise sold 12 of its wholly owned properties and 11 joint venture properties for a total of $311 million…. Under a so-called sale-manageback arrangement, Sunrise has a long-term operating contract as well as...


92Golf  n.— «They are among 165 92Golfs—military slang for cooks, after their 92G designation in the personnel handbook.» —“K.P. With the Culinary Arts” by Julia Moskin in Fort Lee, Va. New York Times Mar...