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hair on it

hair on it  v. phr.— «Others were critical of the offer, however, saying it wasn’t solid. “That $37 million had a lot of hair on it, a lot of paper involved,” another bidder said of it.» —“The Sale That Never Happened—In...

Tingle table

Tingle table  n.— «The Tingle Table, designed by an IRS employee in 1961, is used at Service Centers to sort paper tax returns.» —by Department of The Treasury Internal Revenue Service Annual Report Fiscal Year...

helicopter research

helicopter research  n.— «I made them a promise that we weren’t going to practice what is known as “helicopter research,” where you go into a community, get your research data, publish a paper and walk away.» —“Two...

send Fidel a telegram

send Fidel a telegram  v. phr.— «The show is a reminder why “Sending Fidel a telegram” has become such a popular euphemism for taking a dump among Miami’s exilio community. That point is further driven home in the gallery’s...

paper bullet

paper bullet  n.— «This reservation and others in the state are the final destinations for the tribe’s money. They govern themselves and pay for health services, education, housing and public safety with a combination of tribal money and...


bio-ink  n.— «Here’s how it works: A customized milling machine prints a small sheet of bio-paper. This “paper” is a variable gel composed of modified gelatin and hyaluronan, a sugar-rich material. Bio-ink blots—each a little...