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net banging

net banging  n.— «By posting online content that glorifies the thug lifestyle, gangs are using the Web to recruit—some using children as young as 8 years old as part of the online recruiting process, known as “Net Banging...


bang  v.— «Some of the recruits in the video—many who appear to be teenagers—are eager to “bang,” or join the Bloods. “I am ready to bang it official,” one recruit says. “Ready to bang for the Blood...


hypermile  v.— «Kroushl’s Prius finally rolled to a stop at 6:55 p.m. yesterday, five minutes short of 48 hours on the road. He drove more than 15 hours of the trip and emerged from the car drenched in sweat—he was trying to boost fuel...

French toast day

French toast day  n.— «Cathy Davis, an office employee at Way-Mart grocery store, Pottsville, said the store was packed Monday with customers preparing for what store employees refer to as “a French toast day.” “I’ve been here 10 years,”...

crowd in a can

crowd in a can  n.— «When Jordan Medich—who plays basketball for the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown—was in middle school, Dane Medich attended his son’s games and was referred to as “a crowd in a can” because of how—and...

hundred-mile-an-hour tape

hundred-mile-an-hour tape  n.— «A paramedic’s sure hands took my pulse and felt up and down my extremities for other injuries. “Hundred mile an hour” tape—similar to electrical tape—temporarily sealed my abdominal wound...