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vacation diplomacy

vacation diplomacy  n.— «The Chinese spokesman accused Taiwan authorities of using “transit diplomacy” and “vacation diplomacy” as a way to create “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan,”...


bundler  n.— «Those fundraisers who raised at least $100,000 for the campaign were given the title “vice chairs.”…The Kerry campaign has periodically released the names and home towns of these vice chairs, also known as...


veepicide  n.— «The subject of the piece was whether President Bush would dump Vice President Cheney from the ticket.Hellip;In order to qualify as news, veepicide stories should be anchored to something real.» —“All the Rumors Fit To...

vacation diplomacy

vacation diplomacy  n.— «In 1990, Hao Po-tsun, then “president of Executive Yuan,” visited Singapore on vacation, which set the precedent for what later came to be called “vacation diplomacy.”» —“Taiwan trip...


impire  n.— «The European Union is too weak, too diverse, too inward-looking; in a rather ugly neologism, [Niall Ferguson] dubs the EU an “impire” rather than a potential “empire.” » —“An Oxford Scot at King...


layàk  n.— «Abandoning a Muslim tradition of more than a thousand years, Turkey has also adopted a distinction between divine and secular law, even coining a new word for the latter (layàk, clearly borrowed from laicité, the...