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visquene  n.— «Here are the layers of the rink itself: —The vapor barrier. This is placed directly on the stage. It’s actually a sheet of a material called visquene and is designed to protect the wooden stage from the cold and wet...

bag drag

bag drag  n.— «Astronauts call it “the bag drag.” The name comes from lugging their bags from airport to airport as they make the rounds on behalf of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.» —“Astronaut Makes...


snag  n.— «Marty Vanausdol cuts down a burned tree—a snag in fire crew parlance—to clear a safe path along a fire line in West Yellowstone, Mont.» —“Forest Fire Fighters” Portland Oregonian Aug. 18, 2000. (source:...


MOOP  n.— «We want to hand out plastic mugs w/ our camp location on them as an invitation for people to come back to drink tea w/ us and hang out. Much better than flyers which are likely to end up as MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) which is an...

turkey bacon

turkey bacon  n.— «i agree, this man was treated screwed. turkey bacon (rent-a-cops) suck ass. they’re all a bunch of wannabe’s who couldn’t cut it as real cops. as for the police, come on, i’m sure they could’ve handled that a lot better...


handle  n.— «The track’s purses are some of the worst in the United States, and the handle—track terminology for the amount of money bet—ranks poorly.» —“All bets are on” by Mark Peters in Bangor, Maine Press...