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doughnut council

doughnut council  n.— «There’s no doubt certain parts of the state there are too many councils, particularly where you got what’s called the doughnut councils and I’m pleased to see there’s a recognition by councillors in some of those...


friendgrief  n.— «According to Harold Ivan Smith, one of the country’s leading experts on grief and grieving, the last category, which he refers to as “friendgrief,” is not given the recognition it deserves in the pecking order...

death by PowerPoint

death by PowerPoint  n.— «iller said he had to sit through an induction process before he was allowed to go. “I went to an auditorium from 7 to 7. The soldiers call it death by Power Point lecture. You learn about first aid, bomb...

Utah claw

Utah claw  n.— «“We have great theme parties. The last one was the white trash party. I had my hair like this,” she says, as she forces her bangs into a four-inch clump off her forehead. “The Utah claw!” exclaims Nicole...


dhimmi  n.— «Tolerated unbelievers were called dhimmi, or ahl al-dhimma, “the people of the pact.” This was a legal term for the tolerated and protected non-Muslim subjects of the Muslim state.…The dhimma, which...

bouma shape

bouma shape  n.— «In visual terms, a word is distinguished by its characters’ relation to the white space surrounding it and the nature of its letter face (for instance, small thin strokes are common to handwriting, and thick short strokes...