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rollator  n.— «To improve this resident’s gait, staff worked closely with him, helping him ambulate more regularly. Therapy staff taught him how to use a rollator walker.» —“Pulling together for restraint reduction” by...


rollator  n.— «We have assessed the effect of Zimmer, rollator and gutter frames on 6-min walking distance and on arterial oxygenation during exercise in elderly patients with COPD.» —“The effect of walking aids on exercise capacity...


rollator  n.— «His sister-in-law commented that older people in Sweden sustain their stamina by walking behind a so-called rollator. Unlike a conventional “clomp and stomp” walker, a rollator glides over pavement, carpet...


rollator  n.— «In order to facilitate a day of traipsing around malls, Mom SC therefore decided to surprise MGSC with a device she mistakenly believed to be a wheelchair. In fact, it is something called a “rollator,” or a...

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