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throw red meat

throw red meat  v.— «Throwing red meat the other night to members of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, Reagan said: “I hope every member of Congress will reflect on the fact that the Sandinistas have been...


version  v.— «The version is the lingua franca of all dance music. To “version,” in Jamaican parlance, is to reuse the same basic backing track with a new vocal and/or song on top.» —“CD Reviews” by...


 n.— «Groundscores: Anything valuable found on the ground.» —“Slang used by the Rainbow Family” Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Wash.) July 3, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

weekend hippie

weekend hippie  n.— «Weekend hippie: A Rainbow who has a permanent home and job but enjoys the lifestyle. Also groovy Rainbow.» —“Slang used by the Rainbow Family” Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Wash.) July 3, 2004...

road dog

road dog  n.— «Road dog: A Rainbow who travels constantly between events, with no permanent home or job.» —“Slang used by the Rainbow Family” Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Wash.) July 3, 2004. (source: Double...

six up

six up
 n.— «Six up: An L-E-O in a vehicle, named after the six rooftop lights.» —“Slang used by the Rainbow Family” Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Wash.) July 3, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)